Sunday, May 29, 2016

What Exactly Is Lung Cancer?

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Expert Author Gary Bunn
Lung cancer, one of the most prevalent and potentially the deadliest cancers in the world, is a disease of the lung tissue. Cancer is a disease that can begin in virtually any organ tissue of the body. Due to internal and external factors, a single cell can mutate into a cell that is abnormal. This cell multiplies, and the growing group of cells can attack normal cells in the tissue, or the cancerous cells can turn into a mass or tumour, causing disease and possible death. The lung is a very sensitive organ whose purpose in the body is to bring air and blood into such close contact as to permit oxygen to be added to the blood while removing carbon dioxide from the blood. When an individual has lung cancer, this normal exchange can be inhibited, and while healthy cells can die, there is also a great potential for the cancer to spread into other organs and tissues of the body.
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers globally, as each year over one million people die from the disease. One of the most common causes of lung cancer is cigarette smoking. Studies have shown that the ingredients and nicotine in tobacco can have a carcinogenic effect on the body. Since a cigarette is inhaled, the primary location for the disease is the lung. Increased levels in pollution have become a major risk factor for the disease. Exposure to radiation and asbestos (often used in home building) can also increase the risk of lung cancer developing. Radiation affects cells and can cause mutations that are unhealthy. Any outside factor such as those just listed, in addition to a poor diet and lifestyle, can contribute to the onset of lung cancer.
Although there are numerous symptoms, the most common are coughing up blood and having a generalised difficulty in breathing. Any unexplained loss of weight, in conjunction with the symptoms mentioned, can be an indication of the disease. When and if there is any question or possible concern about the probability of contracting this disease, there should be no hesitation in seeking a medical professional to discuss the completion of exams that may rule out lung cancer as a possibility of sickness.
Treatment for any type of cancer, including lung cancer, is an ongoing and long term commitment and battle. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are often used to "kill" the cancerous cells or tumours, although this treatment can weaken the individual, as these treatments often need to be repeated often. Surgery may be needed to remove the cancer cells.
The Royal Brompton Hospital is one of the world's leading heart and lung centres, renowned for its expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. If you're looking for more information about the Royal Brompton's stop smoking clinic [] visit us today.

Mesothelioma - What is Mesothelioma Cancer?

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Mesothelioma cancer is a rare cancer that is thought to come from the inhalation of asbestos fibers as well as exposure to asbestos. People that have work concerning plentiful amounts of asbestos are in danger of contracting mesothelioma. Studies have reasonably shown that the vast majority of those that have mesothelioma had exposure to asbestos at some point in the past whether it was work-related or otherwise.
Mesothelioma is also a relatively rare form of cancer with only about 4000 cases each year. The three major varieties of mesothelioma all match up to the area of the mesothelium that is affected. They are known as Pericardial, Peritoneal and Pleural Mesothelioma.
The cancer is named after the mesothelium, which is a protective membrane that covers various cavities. Peritoneal, Pleural and Peritoneal mesothelioma are all named after the particular cavities that this cancer affects. The symptoms for each are different.
These symptoms generally show up much later on in the future after exposure to asbestos. Weight loss, abdominal pain as well as abdominal lumps are all symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma. Pleural Mesothelioma symptoms include shortness of breath, cough (dry), lumps in the chest region, chest pain, painful breathing and coughing. Pericardial Mesothelioma symptoms are chest pains, fever, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, murmurs, Orthopnea. It should be noted that smokers that have been exposed to asbestos have a higher than normal chance of contracting pleural mesothelioma.
In rare cases, if the cancer is caught exceedingly early, the cancer may be sent into remission. Otherwise, mesothelioma patients experience abysmal survival rates. Those suffering from advanced stages of mesothelioma usually have a year or so to live.
Those fortunate enough to uncover the cancer in its early stages can expect to live for up to 5 years. There is still research being done in the field, albeit not a whole lot. The well-known specialist, Dr.David Sugarbaker and other notable doctors elsewhere represent the few doctors that are making inroads into unraveling the mysteries of this cancer. The main areas of research tend to target pleural mesothelioma and new, aggressive techniques have been found to lengthen live expectancy by years. While a cure has still not been found for any type of cancer much less mesothelioma, there is constant research being done in the area.
Shan Durai has a website on Mesothelioma that offers free information on areas such as pleural, peritoneal and pericardial Mesothelioma as well as highlighting treatment facilities, doctors and treatment methods.

Do You Have Asbestos Cancer Or Mesothelioma? What It Means For You And Possible Treatments

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If you have been diagnosed with asbestos cancer, or by its clinical term, mesothelioma, it means you have a form of cancer that damages the mesothelium which is a membrane that encases our lungs, chest, abdomen and heart. The heart is protected by mesothelial tissue that surrounds it and is dubbed the pericardium. The lungs and chest cavity is covered by the pleural mesothlium membrane, and the peritoneum is what covers the abdominal cavity using mesothelial tissue. Asbestos damages every one of these membranous cells, however the most typical is pleural mesothelioma, usually in the advanced stages of this disease the cancer spreads and attacks other areas of the body.
The main reason behind people contracting asbestos cancer or mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos, but it can be brought on by other things, such as exposure to zeolite, which is a chemical also found in asbestos. The worrying thing is how prevalent asbestos is in many materials that around us every day, including cement, roof shingles, flooring, textiles, brake linings and insulation. The asbestos inserts itself via our respiratory system and settles within, making carcinogenic tumors. Individuals in the construction industry need to be especially careful about fighting asbestos, asbestos mine workers, workers at shipyards and mills are the most susceptible to asbestos cancer, thanks to continual exposure to it. It might take as long as 50 years for symptoms to display themselves, but unfortunately once mesothelioma is located the common person will have 1 - 2 years left to live, this is why early detection is important for any hope of treatment.
There are rules established by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) as to the legal amounts of asbestos that can be allowed in the workplace. Anybody who deals with the substance is forced to adhere to strict guidelines and wear protective equipment. Asbestos carried home on clothing has also been shown to affect family members of workers, therefore showers and a change out of protective clothing is demanded before workers can leave the workplace.
Successful treatments of mesothelioma differ greatly depending on many factors, the patient, when it is diagnosed, where it is located and the health of the patient. Quite a few patients will undergo surgery, and then chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Surgery will excise tumors but the normal health of the patient decides how effective this will be. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are both efficient strategies to fight the symptoms, however he side effects from these treatments can cause issues themselves. Anybody who thinks they might have been exposed to asbestos for a long period of time should go in for regular check ups and look out for symptoms that could demonstrate the surfacing of mesothelioma, because remember if you catch the disease early your chances of survival increase dramatically.
To learn more about possible treatments for asbestos cancer or mesothelioma [] go to the mesothelioma treatment options [] blog and website.